*~*ALL ABOOT US!!!!*~*
oOo Hame Page oOo

oOo All Aboot Us oOo

oOo Pics eh oor pals oOo

oOo oor photos 5oOo

oOoMare wee picsoOo

oOo Emma's sleepover oOo

oOoMare sleepover picsoOo

oOo Mare wee dolls oOo

oOo Wee Poems oOo

oOoWee RymesoOo

oOoWhats New PageoOo

oOo Contact oOo

oOo Check Oot Orr Links oOo

oOo Wee dolls oOo


Hi am kirsty and i stay in bellshill i like 2 hang aboot wae ma pals and have a laugh.I am 14 and i have blonde hair and blue eyes i am aboot 5'6.
Hi ma names danielle and i also stay in bellshill and i am also 14.i like 2 hang aboot wae ma pals and have a laugh plus i love dancing. i have blonde hair and brown eyes and i am aboot 5'4 we both go to bellshill academy and we r in 3rd year


We decided 2 make this site cause we were dead bored and wanted 2 show u's all oor stunning wee pals and stunning wee dolls we will try and update it whenever its gets 2 look boring and we will add new pics whenever we get any

*~*Kirsty'n'Dani OaFm*~*